I knew I needed lessons because I was so afraid to drive. It took me a long time to go through with it because of the cost, but when I finally had the money I decided to use it for this. Not only that, but I’m 33 years old and thinking about becoming a mother soon-ish, so driving is important to me, and much overdo. My boyfriend’s coworker mentioned Burke Mountain Driving School, so I decided to look it up. I sent a message through the website, Asa got back to me and we booked our first appointment. At first I was thinking “oh god, what have I done?” because I was so afraid. I remember our first lessons and how horrible I was at just turning corners or performing any simple task. I didn’t want to leave the parking lot, ever. I was embarrassed, but he was super supportive, patient and kind. He was constantly reminding me that it’s okay and you’re not going to be perfect the first time you try something. You just need practice. As time went on, I became a better driver and took advantage of him as much as I could. He thought maybe I didn’t need as many lessons as I paid for, but I wanted to be sure I was ready and comfortable. He doesn’t care about money and he never made me feel like I was not good enough. I can’t get over how supportive and patient he was. To top it off, we had great conversations about life and he’d play music every lesson, asking what I’d like to hear that day. I decided to pay to use his car for the examination, which was definitely a great idea. It was nice to have him help with a warm up, take me to ICBC and wait for me to complete my test. I was so nervous I cried before going in! The best part though is that I passed, with almost flying colours! I cannot say enough good things about Asa. I would recommend him to anyone. I can’t wait until my 2 years with the N is up so I can book a couple appointments with him again to warm me up for my Class 5. Amazing instructor, amazing human. Thank you so much Asa! You will leave a memorable mark in my life forever.